D. Lawless Books
We have a bookstore in the back of D. Lawless Hardware. Mostly used books at very low prices ($3 paperbacks and $5 hardbacks). I have a nice section of antique and vintage books from as earlys as 1800 from $7 and up. Check out a few photos of our in store selection on our Visit our Store Page!
I occasionally I get brand new books I'll put here online as well as a collection of antiquarian books I've collected over the years. Book sales are of course a side gig and something I do for pleasure so this page will develop slowly but steadily. First book posted 9/7/22 for perspective on how slowly I go!
Here are a few shots from inside our bookstore in the back of D. Lawless Hardware! We are a bit of a mess but are improving every week!

We are woking every week to improve the bookstore in back, however it is quite a lot fo work stacking books!
We have started slowly sorting and developing sections for biography, history, vintage, fiction and etc. however it's still a bit of a hunt and search book store where any book might be found anywhere! You can help sort books while you browse if you like! :)

We take book donations and use them as a means of keeping our very low prices. We have some expensive, collectible books in the store, however the vast majority of our book selection is $5 for hardbacks, $3 for paperback, and $1 for kids books. These prices count for all books in these categories no matter how big or how nice. The kids' section is very popular as a dollar will get you some very nice children's books.