Welcome to our hinge installation and instructions portion of the website. Here you will find articles detailing the differences between hinges as well as their usages. Most of the articles in this section are refashioned from what was once a very popular "how to" site by the name of HingeDummy which was created by Derrick and Dane Lawless while in high school using Dreamweaver back in 1999 (some people will get a kick out of this). At the bottom of this page you can see a screenshot of the original website that I have added for old times' sake.
Below are all our hinge information categories. If you know absolutely nothing, I would start by clicking the first link "Types of Hinges" which is for visually identifying the types of hinges and applications you may have.
- Types of Hinges
- Flush Hinges
- Inset Hinges
- Overlay Hinges
- European Hinges
- Special Purpose Hinges
- Architectural Hinges
- Installing Hinges
- Tools & Materials
- Residential Door Hinges
- Cabinet Door Hinges
- Special Purpose Hinges
- Hinge Finishes
- Hinge FAQ
- European Hinge FAQ
- Glossary of Hinge Terminology
- The History of the Hinge
- General Screw Information